Wairinding Hill

It’s Sumba’s most talked-about hill. Nestled in East Sumba, just 45 minutes from Waingapu, Wairinding Hill is a vast collection of rolling savannah plateaus. Visiting from November to May, your eyes will be spoiled with a lush greenery view, but it will change into a breathtaking golden tapestry from July to October.

Tenau Hill

Tenau Hill boasts lush greenery that’s a treat for the eyes, presenting a panorama of serene hills as far as one can see. Visitors can admire rice fields, rivers, and the expansive sea amidst the rolling hills from its elevated vantage point. The beauty of Tenau Hill makes it popular for sunrise catchers, and it is famous as a spot for pre-wedding photoshoots.

Hiliwuku Hill

Hiliwuku Hill in East Sumba Regency offers a cozy natural retreat with peaceful surroundings. It’s a quiet spot, letting visitors relish nature’s beauty in serenity. At night, the hill boasts a breathtaking view of a starry sky. If the sky is clear, you might even catch a glimpse of the Milky Way due to Sumba’s minimal light pollution.

Lendongara Hill

Lendongara Hill showcases a lush hilly backdrop against the sea. Its green terrain soothes the eyes, offering refreshing air akin to floating above clouds. A great spot for stunning photos, especially during sunset.

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